The article below is adapted from Superbowl website at about the courtesy in bowling alleys. Let's all adhere this conduct so that we can create a gracious bowling environment to all players in the alley.
Ten Bowling Codes of Conduct.
Alternative sub-head:
Ten Commandments of Bowling (Codes of Conduct)
1. Be prompt and know your right. Take your turn promptly on the lane and remember that the player to your right has the right of way.
2. Slow and steady, but do not dilly dally. Take your time, but do not pose for too long or wait until everyone is off the approaches.
3. Stick to your own approach. Stay on your own approach at all times.
4. Back off after delivery. Step back off the approach after making each delivery.
5. Use your own ball. Do not use another player's ball without permission.
6. Do not tamper approaches. Do not use chalk, resin or talcum powder to condition approaches. Others may like it the way it is.
7. Everyone concentrates. Good bowling requires concentration. Do not interfere when others bowl, as you would want the same when it is your turn. Confine teases at the bench or locker rooms.
8. Patience with pinsetting. Be ready to bowl only after the pinsetting machine has completed its cycle and the sweepbar is raised.
9. Respect the equipment. Respect the equipment, avoid lofting the ball, as it hurts your game and damages the lane.
10. Be a gracious winner and loser. Play to win, but be a gracious loser if you are on the short end of the count. Cheer up, you can always bowl to win again!
Updated by Daune
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